A Better Product for A Better Price


Goff's micromesh pass-thru blaster

Goff's micromesh shot blast machine
Goff Wire Mesh Belt Specifications

Model WM 24-4-40/60 WM 27 1/2-4-40/80 WM 36-8-80/200 WMV48-8-80/240
Belt Width 24" 27-1/2" 36" 48"
Work Envelope 24" w x 13 h 27-1/2" w x 13" h 36" w x 13" h 48" w x 13" h
Blast Wheels* (4) 10 HP (4) 20 HP (4) 20 HP and 
(4) 25 HP
(8) 30 HP
Length (A) 26' 26' 26' 26'
Height (B) 21' 21' 21' 24'
Width (C) 12' 15' 13' 16'
Conveyor Work Height (D) 5'-5 1/4" 4' 4' 5'-11 1/4"
Belt Speeds 3-20 fpm 3-20 fpm 3-20 fpm 3-20 fpm
Separator 14" 40" 72" 140"
Dust Collector Requirements 2500 cfm 4500 cfm 5000 cfm 8200 cfm
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TechniBlast Inc.
P.O. Box 590 
Seminole, OK 74818-0590 
405-382-0477;  Fax 405-382-0545 
e-mail: goff@techniblast.com