A Better Product for a Better Price
Goff Spinner Hangers
From descaling, deburring, and desanding to reconditioning and surface treatment, Goff's Spinner Hanger blast machines are superior for cleaning many different types of components. 

Carousel Spinner Hangers are most productive for non-tumbled work.  Better than pass-thru, work returns to the same spot - only one operator is required.

The Spinner Hanger machines have two chambers - load one while the other is blasting.

Work loaded onto one of two hooks on a rotating drum which moves the work into the blast area in the back of the machine.  The work revolves in the blast.

The hook free-wheels in the loading area. 

Quicker cleaning - work hit from two directions, blast wheels close to work for greater intensity.  Blast chamber protected by replaceable cast liners.
Goff In & Out Monorail Spinner Hanger offers the ease of loading the spinner hooks outside of the machine which are moved into the chamber for blasting.
Goff In and Out 4860 Hanger Table is unique in that it has both a spinner hanger and a table in the same machine.
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TechniBlast Inc.
P.O. Box 590 
Seminole, OK 74818-0590 
405-382-0477;  Fax 405-382-0545 
e-mail: goff@techniblast.com

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